I would rather just lobby for "cc_author" being added to the spec with
a very simple binary option rather than see a whole extension system

 cc_author: 0

Or even -- in a CPAN::Reporter independent style -- something like this:

   pass: 0
   fail: 1
   unknown: 1
   na: 0

So I'm urging more laziness and impatience, less hubris.

Frankly, the META.yml spec is already over-populated and polluted as it is because (I suspect) of this approach.

There's been a number of keys that just got added at some point in time that are now redundant or make no sense or represented (at the time) incorrect thinking that was later corrected.

The advantage of a simple extension approach is modularity. It creates an area in which we can separate the very cautious high-communications standards approach stuff from the arbitrary experiments of the CPAN community at large.

And it creates a sort of DMZ and testing ground for features, before they most to the core.

Adam K

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