On Thu, Mar 08, 2007 at 07:15:49AM +0100, Jonas B. Nielsen wrote:
> Well all are included, version 0.01 is available on CPAN.

I've had a look, and I have the following comments to make:

* You seem to have a mixture of tabs and spaces for indentation, and the
  tabs seem to be spaced at 4 spaces. Please be consistent - tabs only
  or spaces only. My personal suggestion is that we've no need to use a
  real \t when we can put 8 spaces in instead - we're not stuck on
  4kbyte microcomputers any more. If you feel you must use real \t
  characters, make them equal to 8 spaces.

  (vim's :retab command is likely to be useful in fixing up this one)

* You've put all the POD at the end of the file. I usually find that if
  I put the POD for each function just above the function code itself,
  I'm much more likely to keep it updated when I change the code. Makes
  it easier to find too, I think...

* Line 25:

     my $alarm = 2; #default alarm

  That lexical variable is not visible from outside the module - your
  documented suggestion of

     $test::Timer::alarm = 6;

  is not going to work. Instead use a package variable; viz.:

     our $alarm = 2;

* Line 16:

     use lib qw(../../lib);

  I expect that's for testing purposes, is it? You don't need to do
  that as the test framework will ensure the correct paths appear in

* The code bodies of time_ok() and time_nok() seem almost identical.
  Perhaps you could find a way to refactor the code around to have a
  common implementation?

* A test warning:

    t/time_nok........ok 1/3Name "Test::Timer::alert" used only once:
    possible typo at t/time_nok.t line 10.

But apart from those, it looks to be coming along the right way :)
Certainly, the look of the interface in the documentation seems just
what I had imagined.

Paul "LeoNerd" Evans

ICQ# 4135350       |  Registered Linux# 179460

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