Chris Dolan wrote:
On Mar 14, 2007, at 10:19 PM, Adam Kennedy wrote:

Johan Vromans wrote:
Jonathan Rockway <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Why don't y'all just use Module::Install?
Because it doesn't perform a mere install, as the name suggests. It
builds, meaning it requires (and uses) a build environment -- and
scares away customers that do not want to have a build environment on
production systems.

Then again, so does EU:MM and M:B, so I'm not sure why that's a counter-argument...

Adam K

M::B does not require make nor a C compiler to install or run, once you have all of its dependencies installed. That means that in theory it can be installed on a Mac that lacks the Developer Tools or on Windows with just Perl, for example.

Again, neither does M:I or EU:MM (at least for the C compiler).

The one difference here is make.

With M::B in core for 5.10, it will be possible to install almost any pure-perl module from CPAN with just 5.10 and nothing else. This will significantly simplify bootstrapping CPAN on a bare bones machine (read: production systems).

I speak from negative experience: I tried to get a Catalyst app running on another developer's Mac this week. I quickly realized that without make, we were dead in the water. I suppose M::I::Catalyst could have helped build a PAR for me that I could have copied over, but his machine was Intel and mine was PPC so it would have been suboptimal at best. So, we resorted to installing a build environment via the Mac Developer Tools disk...

That's pretty much what it comes down to.

If you want to install modules from a source repository, you need the ability to work with source. I'd be quite (and pleasantly) surprised if the entire dependency chain of a typical catalyst application didn't involve needing a C compiler at some point.

From what I can gather, the typical path on Mac seems to be to install XCode, build your own custom Perl, install all the modules and stuff into that, then build the entire directory up into a .dmg.

Or at least, that's what we're trying to do this week on a project.

In any case, this isn't an attack on Module::Build, just a suggestion to refer correctly to the deficiencies in other things. The known deficiencies in Module::Install should be plenty to flame about, without resorting to adding more. :)

Adam K

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