Hi Dr.Ruud,

* Dr.Ruud <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2007-04-19 20:25]:
> On a Linux system:
> cpan2rpm etc.
> rpm -i /usr/src/redhat/RPMS/i386/perl-Net-DNS-0.59-1.i386.rpm 
> error: Failed dependencies:
> perl(Win32::Registry) is needed by perl-Net-DNS-0.59-1 
> (still investigating) 

this is a list for discussion of issues and concerns while
writing Perl modules. Bug reports for individual modules are not
really on-topic here, and uf the maintainer of Net::DNS sees this
message, it will be only by chance.

You’ll more quickly get in touch with someone who knows what’s
wrong if you report your problem via the bug tracker at

In fact, however, this looks like it might be purely a RedHat
packaging issue (the folks at RedHat are known for doing weird
things with Perl and Perl modules), in which case even the author
of the module would be unlikely to be able to help. You might
want to report this to RedHat via whatever means they provide for
reporting problems in their distribution.

Aristotle Pagaltzis // <http://plasmasturm.org/>

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