On Fri, 29 Jun 2007 04:38:57 -0400, Johan Vromans <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Looks pretty much like Data::Report on steroids.

> When I made Data::Report (and not Text::Report) I choose for that name
> since it can (in theory) handle arbitrary data, not just text.

I do like the idea of Data:: as opposed to Text:: It does seem to fit

When I look specifically at, say Text::Format or Text::SimpleTemplate,
I see more text manipulation processes while I see Report.pm (yours &
mine) as more of a data transformation process.

> Would it be possible to merge these two? In that case I can hand you
> the name Data::Report.

I like the framework of your Data::Report. I have considered adding
capabilities for html & xml output. A base class/plugin model would
fit the bill for these additions. At this moment my vision of *how*
the two products would merge is vague. Suggestions (from anyone) would
be welcome.

The only hesitation that I would have regarding a merge would be the
development time. I know that it might seem a little silly, but I have
been diligently working on soliciting some new customers for contract
coding projects and would really like to add at least one CPAN credit
to my CV sooner rather than later and none of my other libraries are
quite ready for PAUSE yet.

Just thinking out loud...



David J. Huggins
Chief Design Engineer
Full-Duplex Communications Corporation

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