Source filters can be a solution. very little overhead. I wrote 
Filter::Uncomment just for that.

On Friday 07 September 2007 03:58, John Siracusa wrote:
> On 9/6/07 4:14 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > So why do CPAN modules eschew the use of these and invent their
> > own mechanisms that are almost guaranteed to be less powerful?
> I agree with all your listed reason, but I think you missed one: minimum
> overhead.  Ideally, logging would disappear entirely from the code path
> when disabled.  Perl being Perl, this is rarely possible, but that doesn't
> mean the other extreme--at least one method call per log line--is suddenly
> attractive.  Here's a brief microbench showing the range of overhead for
> disabled logging:
> package A;
> sub a { 0 }
> sub c() { 0 }
> our $Debug = 0;
> package main;
> use Benchmark qw(cmpthese);
> my $o = bless {}, 'A';
> cmpthese(10000000, {
>   method => sub { $o->a  && $o->a },
>   sub    => sub { A::a() && $o->a },
>   var    => sub { $A::Debug && $o->a },
>   #const => sub { A::c() && $o->a },
> });
>              Rate method    sub    var
> method  1176471/s     --   -13%   -92%
> sub     1349528/s    15%     --   -91%
> var    15625000/s  1228%  1058%     --
> As you can see, though sub vs. method is a small difference for the best
> case (sub and method both returning a constant 0), the $Debug && ... case
> beats it by enough to be significant.
> (I commented out the constant case because it's best case, as close as Perl
> can come to actual code removal (depending on where/when the constant sub
> is defined).)
> So I guess what I'm saying is that the final thing that would stop me from
> using Log::Any "everywhere" (meaning also in performance-critical code) is
> the overhead for the common (production) case of logging being entirely
> disabled.  How about providing all three methods of checking as part of the
> API?
>     $log->debug(...)  if $log->is_debug();      # method
>     $log->debug(...)  if Log::Any::is_debug();  # sub
>     $log->debug(...)  if $Log::Any::Is_Debug;   # var
> Yes, a backend (maybe the default/built-in backend, in fact) could chose to
> implement the sub by calling a method and the var with a tie, negating a
> lot of the performance benefit, but at least the door is open for a simple
> backend to implement the var and sub directly, yielding the full benefit.
> -John

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