Andy Lester <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> On Jan 29, 2008, at 11:32 AM, Jonathan Rockway wrote:
>> To be honest, it's usually humans that provide the least useful
>> reports.  The bots do a much better job.
> If they're using CPAN::Reporter, then it's all the same.

Humans include a lot of extra junk, and they've usually misconfigured
their machines.  ("I force-installed your dependencies but now your
module IS BORKEN!!!11"  Yes, I've gotten that a number of times.)

> Bots do not report actual use cases.  They report imagined,
> speculative use cases.

Like whether or not "cpan -i Your::Module" works on a clean install?
Yeah, that sure is a imagined use case.

Jonathan Rockway

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