--- Johan Vromans <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I have an app that works with PostgreSQL. It depends on DPD::Pg. So
> far, so good.
> However, the requirement that DBD::Pg is installed is by no means a
> guarantee that there is a database server around. And if there is,
> the
> user running the CPAN test may nog have (sufficient) access to this
> database.
> What would be a good means to arm the test scripts against this?

You might want to take a look at Object::Relation.  There is a
Object::Relation::Setup class which, if you're using a Postgres
database, uses Object::Relation::Setup::PG:


Internally, you'll want to check out the &rules method.  This is a
state-machine driven method of validating dependencies for Postgres
setup, such as "does the database exist", "does the user exist", "does
the user have sufficient permissions", etc.

Might take a bit of getting used to, but it's pretty damned powerful.

You can see an example of a graphed version of that state machine in
Theory's journal:



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