On Apr 11, 2008, at 9:23 PM, Eric Wilhelm wrote:
I would like the "publish" clients to connect to a server, then publish their message and disconnect. (Optionally, they can stay connected and
publish more messages.)

The "subscribe" clients would hold persistent connections to the server
(there are only 2 subscribers, though there could be more) and receive
the messages immediately after publication.


To put that in some rough but short code:

  my $fh;
  while(my $client = $socket->accept()) {
    my $pid = open($fh, '|-') and next;
    if(pub) {
      while(<$client>) { print $fh $_ }
    else {
      while(<>) { relay_to_subscriber($client) }

I implemented something vaguely like this in a single threaded manner a couple of years back. My implementation looked something like this:

while (1) {
  my $msg;
  my $client = $socket->accept;
  if (!$client) { # time out, send a keepalive to listeners
    $msg = $self->make_keepalive_msg();
  } else {
    my $response = $self->handle($c);
    if ($response->is_new_listener) {
    } elsif ($response->should_send_to_listeners) {
       $msg = $response->make_msg();
  if ($msg) {
    for my $client ($self->get_listeners) {
      if (!$client->connected) {
        $socket->timeout(undef) if ! @listeners;
      } else {
        print {$client} $msg;

My real implementation did a lot more error handling, of course, and spoke SOAP but still netted under 200 lines. Perhaps a difference between your problem and mine is that my messages were always short and my accepting server was allowed to be single threaded (very low traffic), so looping over the listeners in the main accept loop was fine.

Mine had to work on Windows, so I did as little forking as possible.


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