On Mon, Apr 28, 2008 at 5:03 AM, Johan Vromans <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  What Austin tries to do it to build an app that can be installed as an
>  app, not as a Perl module. And then it is suddenly not as easy
>  anymore. There's no support from EU::MM and M::B for installing apps.
>  Applications are conventionally (and conveniently) placed in /usr/bin
>  or /usr/local/bin. On *nix systems, that is. Other systems often have
>  less strong conventions, or more difficult ones.

If an app is just an executable in /usr/bin (or equivalent) and some
modules, then EU::MM and M::B both support that just fine and always
have.  What's generally missing is a place like /etc or /usr/lib or
/opt to store other non-code non-executable stuff, simply because it's
difficult to automatically determine where to put it.  Certainly not
an insurmountable obstacle, but so far it's been enough of a barrier.


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