On Tue, Jun 10, 2008 at 9:51 PM, Thomas Klausner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> is_prereq is an optinal metric and thus does not count for the CPANTS
> game. And yes, Apps ususally won't get prerequed. Tough luck.

Actually I'd love to be able to add some way to measure which module
is used OUTSIDE of CPAN.
Fetching data from sourceforge an alike.

Sure it will be skewed as some modules are more likely be used in open
source projects than others.
Someone could also game it by starting tons of Sourceforge projects
using his own module.
One could also break in the CPANTS server and change the database to
to show his module at a higher rank.
I guess breaking in a bank pays better. (and isn't necessarily harder :-)


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