On Tue, Jun 10, 2008 at 9:33 PM, Ricardo SIGNES
> * Dave Rolsky <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2008-06-10T13:23:09]
>> The point is that you should ship a dist that is complete enough for an
>> end-user to untar it, hack on the distro, run all the tests, and send you a
>> patch.
> See, I think this is a lousy goal.  More and more, I am not building my
> distribution tarballs like this:
>  $ perl Makefile.PL
>  $ make manifest && make disttest && make dist && cpan-upload Dist.tgz
> When I do that, I have to do all kinds of obnoxious boring crap like include
> boilerplate POD, have a build tool that can run my release tests (but not let
> them get run by installing users), make sure that my changelog is up to date,
> update $VERSION in every module, and so on.  It sucks.
> Sure, things like ShipIt and Module::Release and Perl::Version's 
> perl-reversion
> help with a lot of this.  They just don't do as much as I want.
> I want my build process to turn the code in my repository into a distribution
> for the CPAN.  In other words, I supply:
>  * the code and documentation specifically about that code
>  * tests that all installers should run
>  * tests that should be run before releasing
>  * tests that I should run all the time when developing, but others shouldn't
>  * a few pieces of metadata like license info and prereqs
> Then I get a tarball that has added a $VERSION to all my code, updated the POD
> =head1 VERSION section, made a Makefile.PL that includes the right prereqs, 
> and
> made a MANIFEST that I know will be accurate.
> This saves me a huge amount of time.  It's enormous.  Further, the more work
> that I turn over to build automation, the more time I save as all of my dists
> can drop code they don't need.

I'd love to see your environment and I think many of us could improve our
module packaging system by looking at it. If it was even released to a
of open source perl code....

your points are valid and I'd be glad to make improvements once I understand how
and have the tuits to do them.


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