On Sun, Sep 28, 2008 at 8:38 AM, Matt S Trout <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I was told it was a planned feature when KWILLIAMS turned up on london.pm
> and yelled "FUD" because I was complaining about users' problems in the
> real world rather than the problems of an ideal user that somehow magically
> knows that Module::Build is special and they have to remember to update it
> or installations will inexplicably fail.

Can you show us that thread or a specific bug?

Autobundling of M::B is indeed a planned feature.  It's my personal
top priority.  But we wanted to get "all the rest" of the work that's
been done in the last 1.5 years out the door before tackling it.  And
autobundling is a nice special kind of feature that specifically
doesn't have to be tied to a major release schedule, so as long as we
get it out the door in a small amount of calendar time, people should
be happy.


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