Hi All,

I am in the process of getting ready to submit a new release of
Sys::SigAction, as a result of a bug (with patch) that was opened
recently. So I decided to look at the test results and see if I could
figure out what is valid and what is not.  In the case of Win32 OSes I
am going to just going to die with a warning in Makefile.PL that
includes the string "OS unsupported", before I make the Makefile. That
will remove those failures for this unsupported OS. 

However, there are some other tests in POSIX OSes I think should have
worked but have failures of one test or another. (BSD seems to be a
common thread for one of the tests). I want to contact the testers to
get more information, before I just mask off the failed test for that

I suspect the original test reports were sent to me in the days when my
SPAM filtering was not very good, and I probably missed them, so I need
another way to get to the testers in question.

According to http://cpantest.grango.org/wiki/CPANAuthorNotes the url
http://perl.grango.org/cpanmail.html can be used to convert test report
number into an email address... the only problem is I get a 404 page not
found error when I go there.

Thanks to anyone who can provide the keys to the testers email address
kingdom...  I really don't want to just mask off these OSes without
understanding more.


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