On May 3, 2009, at 6:54 AM, Aristotle Pagaltzis wrote:

* Jonathan Rockway <j...@jrock.us> [2009-05-03 08:00]:
This is why Perl people should blog more.

Agreed, that helps up to a point. But you can’t natter on about
*every* module at the same level of noise.

I vehemently agree. At the risk of derailing this thread, I'll digress to say the Iron Man blogging competition has actually made me read fewer posts -- my initial impression was that the quality of a post was lower if it mentioned Iron Man in the first sentence.

If you blog because you are inspired to say something important to the community, then I want to read it. If you blog every time you release a module, or just because mst told you to, then you are just lowering the signal-to-noise ratio.

High S/N means optimizing quality/quantity. Jonathan's simply-stated opinion pushes to increase the denominator, which may help increase the visibility of the community but hurts inside the community.


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