The way I've interpreted that in my own auto-build scripting is that if
Build.PL exists, the module author is probably a Module::Build user who is
only providing a Makefile.PL grudgingly for the sake of those who haven't
installed Module::Build, and thus I figure that if there's any difference
between the two .PL files, probably Build.PL is the one the author is more
invested in.

On Tue, May 5, 2009 at 7:06 PM, Jonathan Yu <> wrote:

> Hi wise Perl authors:
> I've been building some Perl packages for Debian. I've noticed in the
> course of this that dh-make-perl (our preferred script for
> transforming Perl distributions into Debian packages) prefers
> Makefile.PL over Build.PL.
> One problem this has caused is that a Makefile is created which is not
> removed when 'perl Build clean' is run. Now, Makefile.PL via
> Module::Build::Compat actually runs Build.PL the first time, so the
> Makefile expects 'Build' to already exist. The next time the module is
> built, 'make' is run, which in turn triggers 'perl Build', but this no
> longer works since Build.PL has not been run yet (so there is no
> Build).
> The real question at hand here is: for modules that provide both a
> Makefile.PL and Build.PL, which should be preferred? More than that,
> from the perspective of CPAN authors, is it even useful to provide
> both? Now that Module::Build is a core module, maybe only a Build.PL
> should be included.
> Add to this some complication from Module::Install, which also uses
> Makefile.PL. So in that case maybe Makefile.PL is preferred (for
> Module::Install to do its thing) rather than Build.PL. (On the other
> hand, I don't think I've seen modules that mix both M::I and M::B, so
> in the wild this will probably not be a problem)
> What does everyone else think?
> I look forward to reading what other authors have to say about this.
> Cheers,
> Jonathan

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