On Tue, May 5, 2009 at 7:55 PM, Hans Dieter Pearcey <
hdp.perl.module-auth...@weftsoar.net> wrote:

> On Tue, May 05, 2009 at 07:51:09PM -0700, Bill Ward wrote:
> > I'm often having to add a half dozen lines of code to every subroutine to
> > perform argument validation and I'd like to offload it once and for all
> into a
> > CPAN module.  Has anyone written or seen such a beast?  I haven't, so
> I've
> > started writing it... but then, what to call it?  My working title is
> > ArgsChecker.pm but it should be put into a hierarchy - Data:: perhaps?
> Params::Validate does everything but nested data structures.
> Declare::Constraints::Simple does everything.
> Data::FormValidator does everything.
> MooseX::Types does everything and does it best.
> There are a lot more of these.  I'm surprised you haven't seen them on

Thanks for the recommendations.  I didn't think to look under any of those

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