I was recently pointed in the direction of my kwalitee tests:


They all fail for not having a README file or a LICENSE.

I was wondering, since I have e.g. the following Build.PL:

my $build = Module::Build->new
   module_name => 'IO::Async',
   license => 'perl',

surely Module::Build ought to be able to automatically satisfy both
these conditions?

 * Take the module given by module_name (or some other named one), run it
   through pod2txt >README

 * Look up the named license from a standard set of default ones and
   print it to >LICENSE

Are either of those doable automatically?

Paul "LeoNerd" Evans

leon...@leonerd.org.uk     |    CPAN ID: PEVANS
srand($,=" ");print sort{rand>0.5}grep{0.8>rand}qw(another Just hacker of Perl)

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