> Hello everybody,
> recently, I read the following statement in a CPAN Ratings entry:
> "this package also uses wantarray (a transgression amongst interface
> sensibilities)."
Hi Lutz,

I've read that too and my reaction was "what a totally ridiculous claim!". And 
it is based on ... nil or maybe  
which is a total shame because it's like saying "Let's not go to the Mars 
because it is already complicated to go to the Moon".

If it was a a transgression amongst interface sensibilities then those 
sensibilities would belong to the people that have developed Perl. I believe 
the distinction between scalar, void and list context exists because it 
reflects the way we think differently in different contexts. Context 
differentiation is not only for core functionality. It's a pity module authors 
forgot that.

If there was a need to "defend" context (a pillar of Perl) the simplest 
example would be the usage of @any_array in scalar context. Once you've 
learned that an array in scalar context returns the number of elements in the 
array you just can't think differently because it _makes_ sense even if it 
looks unreal.

P6 is taking it further but maybe the P6 ppl have very bad API sensibilities. 
They certainly do but they correct, or will correct, them with time because 
that's how a language evolves.

Look at http://search.cpan.org/~dconway/Contextual-Return-
v0.2.1/lib/Contextual/Return.pm You can either say "Wow! how do I use this 
intelligently" or "Eeek! I will never be able to master this so it is crap".

This is the same kind of silly statement as "Perl is not a real object 
oriented language". Give it a break.

Perl is a complex language. You don't have to use all the tricks in the book 
at the same time but you still want to use a trick or two now and then. There 
are certainly examples of API's that got wild because of wantarray. But the 
ugliest transgression seen in modules is a crappy documentation and many more 
modules suffer of it.

Again, Perl is a complex high level language. If it's too complicated, fuzzy, 
has bad APIs or doesn't fit one's way of thinking, is too slow or looks like 
line noise, we have been blessed (no pun intended) with many supra-efficient, 
controlling-freak, with laser-sculpted APIs, boring languages. People, take 
your pick.

Cheers, Nadim.

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