
I have a library of CPAN modules that I've turned into a CPAN bundle:

If I'm remembering correctly, each module should contain just one *.pm file.

The top half (Dpchrist::ExtUtils::MakeMaker through Dpchrist::Debug) are what I'd call core functionality, while the bottom half are geared towards solving specific problems. I've put them all into one CPAN bundle to simplify installation.

As I developed the modules, I tried to break down functionality into small units, with one CPAN module per unit. I've designed the modules and ordered them in the bundle such that each module only depends upon the module(s) above it (to avoid circular dependencies).

Dpchrist::ExtUtils::MakeMaker adds Makefile overrides to ExtUtils::MakeMaker::WriteMakefile() to simplify my development and release processes. All of the modules in the bundle include the following in their Makefile.PL:

    # Makefile.PL
    eval {
        require Dpchrist::ExtUtils::MakeMaker;
        die 'Skipping Dpchrist::ExtUtils::MakeMaker'
            unless 1.013 <= $Dpchrist::ExtUtils::MakeMaker::VERSION;
        import Dpchrist::ExtUtils::MakeMaker (
            # ...
    warn $@ if $@;

The 'die' is there because CPAN tester machines were loading broken earlier versions of Dpchrist::ExtUtils::MakeMaker and failing. Is there a better way to specify a minimum version while loading a module?

The Makefile.PL for Dpchrist::ExtUtils::MakeMaker adds the following before 'eval':

    use lib './lib';

This is the only way I could figure out how to have Dpchrist::ExtUtils::MakeMaker load the current version of itself during 'perl Makefile.PL'.

At one point, the Makefile.PL for Dpchrist::ExtUtils::MakeMaker looked like this:

    # Makefile.PL
    use lib './lib';
    use Dpchrist::ExtUtils::MakeMaker (
        # ...

It seemed to work, but the first form seems safer at the risk of forgetting to update the version number (as I did with 1.020). What is the best way for a module that enhances ExtUtils::MakeMaker to load the current version of itself during 'perl Makefile.PL'?

I've added Dpchrist::ExtUtils::MakeMaker to the PREREQ_PM arguments for all the other modules. Strictly speaking, Dpchrist::ExtUtils::MakeMaker only affects the generated Makefile targets and rules for each module, not the Perl functionality of those modules. I'm pondering whether or not I should have these prerequisite entries.

Dpchrist::Test is another special case: Dpchrist/ does nothing other than provide $VERSION. Modules that want to use it's t/* scripts do so via symbolic links in the CVS repository. Is there a better approach to libraries of test scripts?

Dist::Zilla mentions a directory with test scripts just for development, not installation. Is this functionality available outside of Dist::Zilla?

I have the desire to use functions from dependent core modules in prerequisite core modules. For example, I'd like to use Dpchrist::Is functions in Dpchrist::ExtUtils::MakeMaker. But, to do so would create circular dependencies. The only idea I have for a solution is to put all the interdependent *.pm modules into one CPAN module. Is there another way?

If I do put multiple *.pm files into one CPAN module, what is the proper way to load the modules from external code and/or from within? While studying ExtUtils::MakeMaker code, I saw some comments that led me to think that the solution is to 'use' the main module from external code and 'require' the subordinate modules from the main module (?).

Is there a good resource for information on how to structure related *.pm files into CPAN modules and the proper design and use of CPAN bundles?



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