In a distribution I would like to use a module (specifically
File::Copy::Recursive ) within Makefile.PL

How can I do this?
How do you do this?

I am using Module::Install so I would be  mostly interested in that
solution but if you have this solved
for the other packaging tools, please do share that too.

If I just say

   use File::Copy::Recursive;

it will blow up on systems that don't have the module installed.

So I tried

   configure_requires 'File::Copy::Recursive' => 0;
   require File::Copy::Recursive;

but that still blows up when I run Makefile.PL

I wonder if this will work once it is packaged and when the META.yml has
the configure_requires field already or if I need another way to make sure
File::Copy::Recursive is installed before Makefile.PL is executed?


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