David Nicol wrote:
I would like to nominate Linda W. for receipt of a full refund of her
CPAN subscription fees.

Now, now, behave. :) Linda has a valid viewpoint. In the past, I myself have spent too much time trying to figure out which of the plethora of Mail modules I should be using. (They surely must procreate via genetic algorithms)

While I shy away from ditching archived code (being in contention for Author of the Least Used Module in CPAN), I agree that there is no analogue to browsing in the library where I can tell at a glance if this potential object of my affections is shiny new or old and tatty. Yes, people are erecting the shop fronts for great code and communities, but on principle, we shouldn't be bulldozing forgotten modules. The Rough Guide to CPAN highlights the attractions and makes it easy to navigate.

Sure CPAN is great, but it could be even better and that takes work.

Boyd Duffee                             Keele University
Systems Guy                             (01782) 734225  
  "Ё моё!" - Pavel Andreievich Chekov

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