* Greg Lindahl <lind...@pbm.com> [2014-05-13 02:10]:
> We're open-sourcing our module that generates the basedomain of a
> hostname, i.e. ic.ac.uk or blekko.com. We need a name.
> These existing modules do the same thing, only slower, less
> completely, and less correctly:
>  Mozilla::PublicSuffix
>  Domain::PublicSuffix
>  ParseUtil::Domain
>  IO::Socket::SSL::PublicSuffix
>  Net::Domain::Match


> Here are some ideas for a new name:
>  Domain::BaseDomain  (possibly confusing with Domain::PublicSuffix)
>  Net::BaseDomain
>  Net::PublicSuffix
>  Host::BaseDomain
>  Host::PublicSuffix
>  Net::Domain::PublicSuffix
> What say you, oh naming consultants?

The functionality does not lend itself to an obvious keyword, but if you
*do* know a keyword then it’s “public suffix”, so if you ask me the name
should be some form of ::PublicSuffix.

As for the choice of TLNS, Domain::PublicSuffix appears to be the sole
thing under Domain::, and it doesn’t look like there is *anything* yet
under Host::, so I’d be disinclined to go with either. And Net:: seems
a bit too generic for this module, plus in general it *tends* to be for
protocol implementations, when people aren’t randomly using it for all
sorts of junk they consider net-related.

But Net::Domain:: looks just fine. It’s specific enough, and going by
the choices of the other authors of public suffix modules, it also seems
like a namespace where other people will expect it. Furthermore all the
*other* modules in that namespace are internet domain-related also, so
the evidence says that Net::Domain:: universally communicates exactly
the concept you want to refer to.

And hey, it’s your lucky day: though several authors put their public
suffix list modules in Net::Domain::, none of them have squatted on the
preferable term, so it’s still yours for the grabbing.

So, congratulations on your shiny new Net::Domain::PublicSuffix module.

Aristotle Pagaltzis // <http://plasmasturm.org/>

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