
I'm looking for some module-naming advice.  I'm creating a set of modules that 
provide an easy, object-oriented way to create and manage Apple Configuration 
Profiles, and I would like to know where to place it in CPAN.

Apple Configuration Profiles are typically used in the enterprise environment, 
but anyone can make and use them.  Configuration profiles can be used to 
pre-configure an iOS device, or a computer running Mac OS X.  For example, I 
have a .mobileconfig file that I use to automatically set up my home Wi-Fi 
network, as well as a VPN tunnel to home, on my personal iPhone.  You can also 
use them to install certificates (with or without private keys), add email 
accounts, and more.

Apple Configuration Profiles are essentially XML files (specifically, they are 
plist files).  Because of that, I am tentatively using the 
XML::AppleConfigProfile:: namespace.  I was also thinking about using 

Full disclosure, I do know that Apple uses XML as part of their Mobile Device 
Management protocol, but that protocol is only available by signing an NDA (or 
something similar) with Apple, so I don't see it becoming public any time soon. 
 If I had a copy of the MDM protocol reference, though….

I'm not even thinking about asking to create an Apple top-level namespace, so 
Apple::ConfigProfile is out.

There is already a module for manipulating plist files, Mac::PropertyList, 
which I rely upon.  The plist format, I think, originated with Mac OS X, so 
that makes sense, but configuration profiles were used in iOS first, and only 
later were added to OS X, so I don't think Mac:: is appropriate.

Any advice would be appreciated!  For me, it's a tossup between 
XML::AppleConfigProfile and XML::Apple::ConfigProfile, but I may have missed 
something obvious.

~ Karl

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