Hi Konstantin,

* Konstantin S. Uvarin <khe...@gmail.com> [2016-12-27 11:24]:
>   I've come up with an interface to shorten that to just
>   perl -Mnew=x=My::Very::Long::Module,foo,42 -we "print $x->foo;"

maybe https://metacpan.org/pod/aliased is good enough?

    perl -Maliased=My::Very::Long::Module,X -we 'print X->new( foo => 42 )'

I don’t know if that’s enough magic for you, though.

Personally I find it a lot more obvious what’s going on there compared
to your proposed interface. I’m sure I would never need to look at the
docs to decipher what that line was supposed to be doing.

Aristotle Pagaltzis // <http://plasmasturm.org/>

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