Neither wise nor a sage, but:

Is there a more general term than "Stereo", which implies 2: left and right?

What about other composite views that make an image appear to have

E.g. Hologram (Holo?)  Is there a term that covers the space of all
composite views and/or related images?

Alternatively, might one pair for other reasons?  (Image::Pair::format)?






Not my field, obviously.  But I do wonder if taking a second level
namespace for this is the best choice...

Of course, no one wants infinitely long names.  But maybe there's a
happy medium.  (Sorry, no pun intended.)

I'm not necessarily opposed to "stereo" (nor would it matter if I were),
but you asked for feedback, and that's what comes to mind...

On 02-May-17 23:20, BC wrote:
> Oh great and wise sages of the CPAN wisdom,
> I'd like some feedback and advice for naming some modules I am
> contemplating.
>    Image::Stereo::MPO
>    Image::Stereo::JPS
>    Image::Stereo::JPG
> These would be modules used for basic manipulation of
> stereographic JPEG-based images.
> Here's a bit of background for the interested.
> MPO -- Multi-Picture Format
>    Digital 3D cameras (yes, there are such things) most commonly
>    store L/R images as a pair of JPEG files in a container file
>    with the extension ".MPO".  The container file also contains
>    additional meta data, beyond the standard JPEG fields, that
>    describes relationships between the images.  (Actually, to be
>    more accurate, MPO files can store any number of related
>    images, such as for panoramics.  But in practice, in the wild,
>    MPO files contain stereographic pairs.)
> JPS -- JPEG Stereo Format
>    Another older format for stereographic pairs has an extension
>    of ".JPS".  This is a JPEG file with the R/L images 'glued'
>    together side-by-side and some additional meta data (EXIF).
>    And L/R stereo pairs are often just combined into a single
>    JPEG file without any special meta data and may be in a
>    side-by-side or under-over format.
> A common thing to want to do is to take L/R stereo pair of JPEG
> files and combine them into a single MPO or JPS file, and
> likewise take an MPO or JPS file and split it out into two
> separate JPEG files.  That's what these modules will do.
> OK -- probably more than you wanted to know.
> As for the module names, stereographic images are commonly
> referred to as 3D images, but there are other associations for
> the term, plus I'm guessing that "::3D::" would be a no-no for
> CPAN module naming.  Stereographic images are also shorthanded as
> just "stereo" which is a more reasonable name length.
> ...BC

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