
I've developed a module which subclasses Path::Iter::Rule and uses Net::FTP
to scan FTP sites [1].  I'm stuck on naming it.

* Net::FTP::Rule (the current working name)
is just plain opaque.

* Path::Iter::Rule::FTP
seems backwards. FTP should be up front.  On the other hand, maybe PIR will
one day have a plugin system and will automatically choose a backend based
on the input path.  That would be cool!

* Path::FTP::Iter::Rule
I think FTP should be up front

* Net::FTP::Path::Iter::Rule
is really long, but has all of the key elements in it.

* Net::FTP::Iter::Rule
doesn't imply anything about a path, so I'm not sure what it does.

​​​Any suggestions?




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