On September 20, 2011 5:13 , Henrik Strand <henrik.str...@axis.com> wrote:
I would like to send an infinite data stream from a non-HTTPD external
process via HTTPD to the client connection. Both HTTP and HTTPS must be

Dw.'s solution is a good one, especially if the external process you are talking about is not a child process spawned by httpd.

In the special but very common case where the external process is a child process spawned by httpd, then the easiest solution is to have that process send its data to httpd (it's parent process) via STDOUT -- in other words, simply output the data as you normally would in any CGI script or other active content.

To explicitly answer other questions:

- Yes, httpd supports sending "infinite" amounts of data as long as output is sent at least as often as the value of the TimeOut directive (see https://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.2/mod/core.html#timeout ) and as long as the client (web browser, end user) does not close the connection by pressing the Stop button or by doing something else.

- Anything that works via HTTP should also work via HTTPS, as far as I know, including Dw's solution.

  Mark Montague

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