On Sun, Dec 04, 2011 at 11:47:37PM +0200, O??uzhan TOPG?L wrote:
> Hi,
> I' ve search for all the archieve but i couln't find the answer, may be i
> missed up, don't know.
> I'm trying to write an apache module and i want to inject some html code
> into resonses.
> It might be in body, header or footer. The only thing that i want to
> implemet is inserting an url or a text into all response bodies without
> damaging the original page that is serving.
> Is there any basic way of doing that?

Well, why don't you just write an output filter that does this? I think
Nick's book will provide all the information you need.
Or have a look at mod_include in apache's source code.

 Cheers, Ralf Mattes
> thanks
> Oguzhan

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