This could be setup fairly easily.  The only problem I see is with getting 
all these rules into mon on a potentially dynamic basis to get the 
"FreeNote" kind of use you are talking about.  If it were a static 
membership, the following rules would do it, assuming the alert, upalert, 
and monitor just add failures from nodes, remove them, and look for them 
in a flat file.

These will have me and nate looking a hotmail for failures, if either of 
us sees one, we trap to the master server, and it alerts hotmail if both 
of us are in a fail state.

hostgroup webserversforyahoo a.c.b.d

hostgroup hotmailservers e.f.g.h

watch hotmailservers-from-tom
    service fail
        period wd {Sun-Sat}
            alert add-group-to-file.alert  
            upalert remove-group-from-file.alert
            numalerts 1
            alertafter 2

watch hotmailservers-from-nate
    service fail
        period wd {Sun-Sat}
            alert add-group-to-file.alert  
            upalert remove-group-from-file.alert
            numalerts 1
            alertafter 2

watch hotmailservers
    service itsdown
        interval 5m
        monitor are-all-in-file.monitor nate tom
        period wd {Sun-Sat}
            alert qpage.alert hotmail
            numalerts 1
            alertafter 2

-Tom Scanlan
Network Operations
OpenReach, Inc.

On Wed, 2 Oct 2002, Nate Campi wrote:

> It occurred to me that several of us with Mon installations on different
> networks with different providers could all band together and monitor
> one another.
> Traps from failed monitors would go upstream to a central box, a sort of
> collector for all the spread out Mon installs, maybe to two for
> redundancy.
> Rules could be setup to only alert when a threshold is hit, perhaps so
> that several monitors have to agree that a test failed before it sends
> out a page/email/whatever. The possibilities for alerting are flexible
> with Mon, that's just one example.
> Basically I'm thinking of a "poor man's Keynote", or a "FreeNote"
> service that members donate a Mon install to in order to join. Lots of
> details would need to be worked out to implement it, most of which
> aren't appropriate to actually discuss on a general Mon mailing list.
> I'm really just curious if people see some potential in my cooky idea.
> Well, do you?
> -- 
> Cahn's Axiom: When all else fails, read the instructions.

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