Date: Mon, 25 Jul 2005 17:09:25 +0200 (MEST)
From: "rueh h¿n¿" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Jim Trocki <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Monitor to check I/O of /dev/ttyS0

Thank you!

I dont have that much time to finish my server. So i dont have the time to
learn a new programming language, i hope you understand that. In the open
source world i got many ways to solve a problem. Why learning C or perl to
solve this problem? Im not a programmer. Dont think, that im too foul to
learn new things.

I explained my problem in a detail, that should be understood (monitoring io
of the serial interface) or is that not enough? :P

so here's what i did, and you can learn from it:

i googled for "bash serial port i/o", and i came upon this:

    Linux Serial Communications
    Setting the Serial Port Control Signals with setSerialSignal
    Reading the Serial Port Control Signals with getSerialSignal
    Providing Serial Communication for bash Scripts, Using querySerial

and then googling for querySerial yielded this:

    /* querySerial
    * querySerial provides bash scripts with serial communications. This
    * program sends a query out a serial port and waits a specific amount
    * of time then returns all the characters received. The command line
    * parameters allow the user to select the serial port, select the
    * baud rate, select the timeout and the serial command to send.
    * A simple hash function converts the baud rate
    * command line parameter into an integer.  */

that sounds like something you might be interested in.

there are slides which have examples on how to write your own monitor
script for mon:

get "mon-talk-0.4.tar.gz"

you could also look at "ping.monitor" as an example, which is written in
mon mailing list

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