--On Friday, August 19, 2005 10:04 AM +0300 Christos Charalampous <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I try to exclude from monitor a service from 3am to 4am (for one hour).
See below the configuration that does not work. Please advise.


define(_ON_HOURS_,    `hr {04am-3am}')dnl

From the documentation for Time::Period:

v isn't a point in time.  In the context of the hour scale, 9
specifies the time period from 9:00:00 am to 9:59:59 am.  This is
what most people would call 9-10.  In other words, v is discrete
in its time scale.  9 changes to 10 when 9:59:59 changes to
10:00:00, but it is 9 from 9:00:00 to 9:59:59.  Just before
9:00:00, v was 8.

Therefore, '3am' means 'the hour that starts at 3am.' i.e. you mean '4am-2am'

Though you might want to look at using the service attribute 'exclude_period', which will cause the monitor script to not even be run during the exclude window. That way you don't have to encode your exclusion period into all of your period definitions (if you have multiple).


David Nolan                    <*>                    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
curses: May you be forced to grep the termcap of an unclean yacc while
     a herd of rogue emacs fsck your troff and vgrind your pathalias!

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