--On Thursday, July 13, 2006 14:20:38 -0500 Tim Carr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Gotcha.  I threw that in, and it seems to work correctly, except I can't
tell if it is or not.  I'm watching the log file, and it shows alerts
being sent on an up/down event, but I'm not seeing alerts every 15s
showing up when things are working correctly.  Is that expected


I refer to the server that sends the traps as a slave server, and the server collecting the traps as the master server. Your master server should receive a trap on every status update on the slave server, i.e. a trap every 15s in your example. The master should only alert based on its alert behavior. This makes receving updates via traps almost functionally equivelant to other monitor tests that you run on your master server.

If thats not the behavior you're seeing please let me know.


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