Hello, all.
We have multiple locations with server pairs who check on themselves as well as each other, and also a virtual "primary" system.  The scripts that we have written request that the server to be checked be identified via an option, such as "./DHCPMonitor.alert -q primary."  Is it possible to pass options to a called alert within the mon.m4 configuration? 
An example of what we're seeing is as follows:
(From the mon.m4 file)
service DHCP
        interval 1m
        monitor DHCPMonitor.monitor -s primary
        description Is the DHCP service running on the primary server?
        period _STANDARD_TIME_
           startupalert trap.alert mainmonitor
           alert trap.alert mainmonitor
           alert DHCPMonitor.alert -q primary
           upalert trap.alert mainmonitor
When options are passed to the monitor, everything works as intended.  This behavior is limited to passing options to the alert.
I'd appreciate your time and thoughts on the matter.
Chris Stringer
mon mailing list

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