On Sun, Apr 11, 2010 at 12:50:56AM +0530, anshul gangwar wrote:
> hello   If the installation fails , how to remove the changes that 
> installation has done.

If installed from binary packages, the respective package manager (in your
case apparently synaptic) will provide your with an uninstall option.

If compiled and installed from tarball or CVS, you can call `make uninstall`
in the build directory of each MonetDB package that you installed, in
reverse order of dependencies, e.g., sql, MonetDB5, clients, MonetDB.
(At least for the time being, you have to do this by hand also with the
super source tarball, as the monetdb-install.sh script does not yet provide
an "--uninstall" option.)

Apart from that, as Stefan de Koning just suggested, when compiling and
installing from tarball or CVS, it is advisable (at least during development
and/or trail periods) to use a dedicated installation prefix directory for
MonetDB, that you can simply remove completely in case you need to clean-up

Stefan (Mane.)

> We are doing the changes to file gdk_relop.c and its .mx one and then using 
> supertar ball we are trying to install it.  Is it also possible that it 
> doesn't install fully and still say installed successfully as earlier we have 
>  installed mserver separately from synaptic manager in ubuntu  and it says 
> succesfullly installed
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