On Thu, Aug 19, 2010 at 02:30:04PM +0800, kun ren wrote:
> dear all
> recently,I want to run mapi examples from
> /Monetdb-client/clients/src/examples/C/, it contains sample0.c ,sample1.c
> and so on. I read the Application Programming Interfaces of the Monetdb
> manual, and I use: 
>       gcc sample0.c 'monetdb-clients-config --cflags --lib' -lMapi -o sample0

The documentation I can find correctly suggests actually

        gcc sample0.c `monetdb-clients-config --cflags --libs` -lMapi -o sample0

(mind the back-quotes instead of single quotes and the "s" in "--libs" ;-))

If the manual suggests differently, please point us to the excat location.

In case the above statement --- that assumes a successful and usable MonetDB
installation) --- please report the exactly what you do and the exact errors
you get --- preferably as bug report via http://bugs.monetdb.org/


> to complie it,but it has errors, so I want to ask how I
> will complie the files?
> Best regards!

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