On 12-12-2011 00:10:33 +0200, Charalampos Nikolaou wrote:
> Hi,
> just used getnameinfo() instead of gethostbyaddr() in
> openConnectionTCP() and it doesn't gain any time improvement. In
> addition, inspecting openConnectionUDP(), I saw that it uses
> getnameinfo() instead of gethostbyaddr() and it is slow as well. What
> I found, though, is that the trouble is caused by INADDR_ANY (i.e.,
> If or a specific, external ip is given, then both
> getnameinfo() and gethostbyaddr() return instantaneously. After all,
> is there any point of resolving Anyway, regardless the ip
> given, I think that resolving should be done in a timely manner, don't
> you think. Time permitting, I shall further inspect the problem to
> find out whether it is an issue in glibc or specific to system
> configuration (of Ubuntu).

Perhaps it's a firewall configuration that doesn't like the broadcast
interface, and/or broadcasting packets at all.

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