Hey guys,

actually I was running my new blog on rails3 and unicorn. I wanted to post 
about it here but didn't have the time yet. Indeed you just need unicorn - not 
unicorn rails. It seems to run all really well - I just need to modify my rc 
script a bit.

Kind regards, John

On 18.02.2010, at 20:08, Eric Wong wrote:

> John Wulff <johnwu...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I'm running unicorn and unicorn-rails 0.96.1 and the latest Rails 3
>> beta gem.  Firing up unicorn_rails spews "RAILS_ENV not defined by
>> config/boot".  I know this is likely a result of RAILS_ROOT being
>> deprecated in Rails 3 but I can't seem to config my way around it.
>> I'm sure other people must have run into this before.  Is there a
>> quick fix?
> Hi John,
> I haven't had a chance to look at Rails 3 yet, but you can probably try
> just using a plain config.ru with "unicorn" (not "unicorn_rails")
> ------------------- config.ru ------------------
> require "config/environment"
> use Rails::Rack::Static
> run ActionController::Dispatcher.new
> ------------------------------------------------
> Let us know how it goes, thanks!
> -- 
> Eric Wong
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