On Jul 14, 2010, at 12:00 AM, Lawrence Pit wrote:

> It appears unicorn rolls back by itself when it can't start the new master. 
> Nice!
> Jamie also mentions to use the shared vendor/bundler_gems path.  Though I do 
> use that in all my projects I'm not so sure it's wise to do when you can't 
> afford any downtime.  I'll have to wait for unicorn v1.1.3 before I can test 
> whether rolling back will indeed continue with unicorn v1.1.2 instead of 
> v1.1.3 ;o

Hi Lawrence, why does the shared vendor/bundler_gems cause you downtime? From 
not re-bundling during rollback?

FWIW I made that recommendation because I ran into issues with unicorns not 
restarting correctly after running `cap deploy:cleanup`, since the `bundle 
exec` launches a binary with a path like 
/app/releases/201007125236/bin/unicorn, which goes missing after N deploys. I 
haven't tested if this applies to more recent versions

Shared bundles are also significantly faster -- `bundle check || bundle 
install` is ~1s for me vs. several minutes to totally rebundle

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