I'm trying to set up several different Rails apps on the same domain, each one running Mongrel. After reading all of the documentation, it's fairly clear how to use subdomains - create several Apache virtual hosts, each of which has a different ProxyPass and ProxyPassReverse command to redirect from different ports (ie, 3000, 3100), and then have each Mongrel instance (or cluster) set to the corresponding port (3000, 3100). [If this theory is incorrect, please let me know!]

However, what I'm trying to acheive is to host them all under the same domain. In othe words, I would like to have


I don't know how to acheive this. Do I make each of them Virtual Hosts, each with their own ProxyPass? (But I haven't been able to find any simple documentation online explaining how to set a Virtual Host at www.domain.com/app1 instead of app1.domain.com. I know fairly little about Apache.)

I noticed in the Mongrel documentation mention of a --prefix command and I was wondering if that could be used to host multiple apps, but for one it's not clear how that ties in with Apache, and secondly, the latest version of mongrel_rails doesn't recognize that command.

Any possibilities? Thank you.

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