On Sat, Apr 25, 2009 at 9:43 AM, Neil Cauldwell
<cauldwelln...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all
> I've read the monit intro pdf but I'm struggling the monitrc I've inherited
> from a previous dev. Here's the monitrc with censored credentials, IPs, etc:
> http://pastie.org/private/puzxsidw2lt7pdm6syoueg
> 1. Is there anything obviously wrong with this config? Syntax check says
> it's ok, but status and validate suggest there's a few issues (see below).
> 2. How can I check that monit can send email via Gmail?

the GMail smtp server uses SSL to connect. In monit you can use something like:
set mailserver smtp.gmail.com port 587 username "em...@domain.tld"
password "password" using tlsv1 with timeout 30 seconds

> 3. I presumed this config would enable monit web interface access through
> http://my.slice.ip.address:2812 but I keep getting a page load error. Could
> the port already be in use? If so, how would I find an appropriate port?

It is highly unprobable that that port would already in use. In your
monitrc you only allow the adresses localhost and my.home.ip.address,
are you sure you're working from there? Of course you could just use
another port.

> 4. I'm not sure if the mailer_worker needs watching. It's a Ruby class that
> Workling/Starling use, but they're already being monitored. Would any
> Workling/Starling users know if I even need this in monit? I can confirm
> that the workling process is running right now, but the previous developer
> told me it had an 'intermittent fault'...
> r...@myslice:~# monit -t
> Control file syntax OK
> r...@myslice:~# monit status
> monit: cannot read status from the monit daemon
> r...@myslice:~# monit validate
> 'workling' process is not running
> Sendmail error: 530 5.7.0 Must issue a STARTTLS command first.
> 5sm5692253ywl.52
> Aborting event
> 'workling' trying to restart
> 'workling' start: /var/www/notipal/current/script/workling_client
> ERROR: there is already one or more instance(s) of the program running
> 'workling' failed to start
> Sendmail error: 530 5.7.0 Must issue a STARTTLS command first.
> 5sm3824609ywd.35
> Aborting event
> 'mailer_worker' process is not running
> Sendmail error: 530 5.7.0 Must issue a STARTTLS command first.
> 7sm283634ywo.26
> Aborting event
> 'mailer_worker' trying to restart
> 'mailer_worker' start: /var/www/notipal/shared/scripts/mailer_worker.sh
> Error: Could not execute /var/www/notipal/shared/scripts/mailer_worker.sh
> 'mailer_worker' failed to start
> Sendmail error: 530 5.7.0 Must issue a STARTTLS command first.
> 7sm4983829ywo.46
> Aborting event
> r...@myslice:~#
> Thanks
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Hope this helps,

Jan Kazemier

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