AFAIK you need to pass:


using a 'forward-slash', and maybe adjusting the resource ID like:


'man mcs' gives more detail.


On 2/7/07, Paul <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a VS.NET app. There are resx files in the base of the app folder
> and one in properties. I have used resgen to convert the resx files to
> resource files and compiled like this
> gmcs -r:System.Windows.Forms -r:System.Drawing -r:System.Data
> -res:Form1.resources -res:Form2.resources -res:AboutBox1.resources
> -res:Properties\Resources.resources *.cs Properties\*.cs -t:winexe
> code compiles fine.
> When I come to run it (either under Linux or Win32), I get the error
> that the resource file from Properties was not correctly embedded in the
> compiled app.
> I have a second app with 1 resx file in the root of the application.
> Again, convert using resgen and build. This time, the app works fine -
> and for other simple apps with the resx file in the root of the app
> folder it works without a hitch.
> Is anyone else seeing this problem or is it me?
> Using mono-1.2.3 under Win32 and Linux
> Paul
> --
> "Mmmmmmmm....Shakira geschmiert mit schokolade" sagt Homer
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Rafael "Monoman" Teixeira
"The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one
persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all
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