[this reply to list -- my earlier replies were off list, but i figure a public 'thanks' was in order..]

Thanks again to all that replied. I am going to try again today using the following:

-i am installing to /home/.../mono -- and i am going to give another shot at the git version rather than tarball from apt-get source... That environment setup script looks like it'll be a big help.

-I am going to make sure at minimum mono.addins and gtk-sharp are also installed to gac, will probably build them from source if i can, if not i'll try a gacutil -i to install binaries. I just hope i don't get bizarre version conflicts like i need of mono.addins and i can only find and it won't consider them compatible -- but then again, if that's a monodevelop thing, i guess i can always rebuild that from source and maybe that will resolve this.


On 05/01/2012 05:06 AM, Alan wrote:
The problem you seem to be hitting is that mono has built and
installed successfully, but you haven't installed all the required
support libraries for your project into the GAC of that new mono. This
is why you cannot find Mono.Addins, or gtk, or anything.

The simplest way to fix this is to build and install all required
support libraries with the same prefix as your custom mono

The not-so-fast-but-quite-safe way is to use the gacutil app to
install libraries into the /usr/local gac. For example, you'd do
something like:  "/usr/local/bin/gacutil -i
/usr/lib/mono/gac/gtk-sharp/2.0.0_2342342/gtk-sharp.dll" for every
library you need in your new mono.

The fastest (and most likely to cause problems) way is to just type
this in your terminal before executing an app with your new mono in
/usr/local: "export MONO_GAC_PREFIX=/usr". This will make the mono in
/usr/local/ look for a GAC in "/usr/lib/mono/gac". You may get strange
type load exceptions using this method.

I should also point out that the core libraries that are part of mono
itself are not always shareable between different builds of mono.
mscorlib never is. Any library which invokes native functions in the
mono native library (libmono.so) is not safe to share. Any pure .NET
library which does not invoke functions in libmono.so is potentially
safe, but it is completely unsupported and if you try it and it
breaks, we will just recommend you compile a clean version and don't
copy assemblies between different versions of mono.


On 1 May 2012 09:53, Oskar Berggren<oskar.bergg...@gmail.com>  wrote:
2012/5/1 Rob Wilkens<robwilk...@gmail.com>:
[apologies if duplicated - i sent from wrong account at first and don't
think it went through]

I hate trying to get other people's program's to build properly on a
different computer than it was originally built on/for, but i gave building
mono an honest effort before giving up.  I've been trying different

Have you seen this:

It's what I've been following repeatedly with different mono versions
over the last couple of years. Building from released source tar

I think one of the key differences compared to how I understand what
you've been doing is that you should redirect the install path
completely to not mix with any directory commonly used. I.e. för Mono
2.10.8 I used

./configure --prefix=/usr/local/mono-2.10.8

Repeat the --prefix clause on every configure script in the same "set"
of packages. It will then all install neatly and not corrupt anything.
Couple that with a helper script as detailed on the page to setup the
correct environment variables, and things seems to work out rather

Also, remember that for everything except libgdiplus and mono itself,
you need to be inside the environment created by the script in order
for the builds of the remaining packages to build against the intended
mono version.

I've attached some notes from when I last built mono 2.10, with the
configure invocations and expected output I used. At the top a list a
number of native dependencies that I was able to satisfy using regular
apt-get. I also attach the helper scripts I use to execute mono for
this environment - these two files are the only ones that go in
/usr/local/bin. After having installed libgdiplus and mono you should
be able to do:

$ mono210 mono --version


$ source mono210env
[mono210]$ mono --version

When that is working, you can have a look at remaining packages if you
like. Remember to do this from "inside" "source mono210env".


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