
That rather sounds like a bug. Could you file a bug with relavant schema (maybe link to that, as it sounds like something you can't share publicly) and something like stack trace if available?

(Without the actual program, I'm not sure if it is about System.Xml.dll implementation. If it is about XmlSchema, there are still two ways to parse it - XmlSchema.Read() and XmlSerializer.Deserialize() which are different.)

Atsushi Eno

Alistair Leslie-Hughes wrote:


I'm using WINE+Mono to install a Microsoft product. However, when it tries to validate the Schema (during the installer) it fails. The cause is a single whitespace when parsing the attribute "use", e.g. "use='required ". Note the space after required. What would be the best solution to ensure compatibility between mono and .NET?

Best Regards,
Alistair Leslie-Hughes

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