Thanks Jon!

Another alternative would be the following:

internal struct MyStruct
     public int Id;
     public unsafe byte* Data;

public unsafe void FillMyStruct(string s)
     // convert the given string into a byte array
     byte[] data = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(s);

     // create another byte array for storing
     // a new instance of MyStruct
     byte[] buffer = new byte[
         sizeof(int)    // Size of MyStruct.Id
       + data.Length];  // Length of MyStruct.Data

     // fill the buffer
     fixed (byte* pBuffer = buffer, pData data) {
         MyStruct* pMyStruct = (MyStruct*) pBuffer;
         pMyStruct->Id = 100;
         pMyStruct->Data = pData + sizeof(int);
             pData, 0,               // source buffer
             pMyStruct->Data, 0,     // destination buffer
             data.Length);           // number of bytes to copy

public static unsafe void UnsafeCopy(
    byte* pSource, int sourceOffset,
    byte* pDest, int destOffset, int count)
    byte* ps = pSource + sourceOffset;
    byte* pd = pDest + destOffset;

    // loop over the count in blocks of 8 bytes, copying a
    // long integer (8 bytes) at a time
    int c = count / sizeof(long);
    for (int i = 0 ; i < c; i++) {
        *((long*)pd) = *((long*)ps);
        pd += sizeof(long);
        ps += sizeof(long);

    // complete the copy by moving any bytes that were not
    // moved in blocks of 8
    c = count % sizeof(long);
    for (int i = 0; i < c; i++) {
        *pd = *ps;

That works fine and performance is quite good. Of course,
the method UnsafeCopy() is really 'unsafe', but it defined
in an internal class...


Jonathan Pryor wrote:
On Sun, 2005-10-23 at 15:21 +0200, Giuseppe Greco wrote:


that you said is really interesting... and I'm wondering how
can I solve another similar problem. Giving the following type:

internal struct MyStruct
    public int Id;
    public byte[] Data;       // of course, that's wrong!!!

... I'd like to fill it like this:

public unsafe void FillMyStruct(string s)
    // convert the given string into a byte array
    byte[] data = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(s);

    // create another byte array for storing
    // a new instance of MyStruct
    byte[] buffer = new byte[
        sizeof(int)    // Size of MyStruct.Id
      + data.Length];  // Length of MyStruct.Data

    // fill the buffer
    fixed (byte* pBuffer = buffer) {
        MyStruct* pMyStruct = (MyStruct*) pBuffer;
        pMyStruct->Id = 100; // OK
        pMyStruct->Data = data; // ERROR

Any help would be really appreciated,

This has a fundamental problem associated with it: the Common Language
Infrastructure is *not* C or C++.  You can't subvert the type system
with random casting, as the runtime will *ensure* that all managed types
are used correctly.  This means that such things as C++ "placement new"
aren't possible.

For your particular example, it means that you can't take a pointer to a
type containing non-blittable types.  Thus declaring a `byte*' is safe,
but declaring a `System.Collections.ArrayList*' will yield this:

        error CS0208: Cannot take the address of, get the size of, or
        declare a pointer to a managed type

The reason for this restriction is primarily the garbage collector.
ArrayList, and your MyStruct structure, contain managed arrays (object[]
for ArrayList, and byte[] for MyStruct).  The managed array needs to be
tracked by the garbage collector, lest Bad Things happen.  Consequently,
you cannot use these types in pointer context, as the GC can't safely
track it.

A solution would be to use only blittable types within your structure,
though since you seem to want to make Data a variable length array,
inline with the structure memory, this isn't entirely feasible.
Instead, you'd have to use a named "first" element of the array, and
then index off that, e.g.:

        struct VaribleLengthStruct {
                public int Size;
                public byte data_begin;
void Test ()
                byte* buffer = stackalloc byte [
                        Marshal.SizeOf (VariableLengthStruct)+10
                VariableLengthStruct *p = (VariableLengthStruct*)
                p->Size = 10;
                byte* data = &p->data_begin;
                for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
                        data [i] = (byte) i;

The above is in fact how Mono's System.String handles things:

        public sealed class String // : ...
                [NonSerialized] private int length;
                [NonSerialized] private char start_char;

Can you provide more information about the problem you're *actually*
trying to solve?

 - Jon

Giuseppe Greco

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