> On Oct 26, 2015, at 9:48 AM, sams <samspurg...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi guys,
> Sorry for the basic post but I'm new to OSX development and Mono. I am a
> VB.net programmer and want to develop a simple single form app native to OSX
> that will open a text file, parse it and generate a PDF with some text and a
> couple of images.
> I am thinking that C#/Mono would be my easiest route into doing this, before
> I start down the road of learning it and experiementing, I'd love to know if
> you think this is the best way of doing things given my background and what
> I want to do.


You will find the conversion from VB.net to C# relatively easy, although there 
are definitely a few “gotchas”, they tend to be edge cases. There are online 
tools you can use to convert your existing code to C#, although they have a 
number of bugs that will require some manual hunt-n-fix to get through. I 
converted a *very* large VB.net project to C# in just over a week.

Once that is done, Mono basically takes care of the rest. It provides enough 
basic functionality that your app will run under OSX. However, the UI itself 
runs *very slowly* (you can watch it drawing) and is basically a faked Windows 
UI, looking nothing whatsoever like OSX. However, if your app is very simple, 
it shouldn’t make much of a difference - except in the File dialogs, which are 

So I’d definitely recommend giving it a whirl, if even just for fun and a 
chance to learn some C#.
Mono-list maillist  -  Mono-list@lists.ximian.com

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