May I ask what are the other Mono dependencies besides mono-runtime and
libmono-system-windows-forms4.0-cil required to run C# Windows Forms
applications on Ubuntu Linux 16.04?

 Could the answer to this question depend on the C# source code for our
Windows Forms applications? For example, hellboy81 wrote on gitter im mono,
Feb 10 01:46.

"I have an Issue with WinForms's TreeView control in Mono under Ubuntu 64
Bit 15.10 (Unity). Items are not selectable and Selection is not visible."

Would you know if there exists a package update or new package to fix this
      I read on
that "although mono does not support everything in WinForms, you can use
most standard controls" Please interpret this quote.

     Thank you.

Mono-winforms-list maillist  -

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