
I don't know if this is the right mailing list for this question but here it 
goes. I have some small utility libraries that I don't wish to package for 
system wide installation that I use in other branches. I tried to use 
merge_into_dir and this works fine but if I try to propagate changes made to 
the merged into branch inside the destination branch back. Well then the two 
branches will get the same content.

I later read the manual and it clearly states this behaveour. It also says 
that the purpose of merge_into_dir is to allow this kind of structure.


branch util contains "a.py", "b.py"
branch prog contains "c.py"

If I merge into dir b:util -> b:prog util/

I have in b:prog:

Now I figure it's common to do bug fixes to "util" when "prog" is being 
developed. One would like to be able to propagate "prog" back to "util" and 
expect only the changes made to "util" files be propagated to "util".

Is there some rationale behind the current behaveour or is it that it's just 
impossible to do this with the current monotone design?

Clearly propagating "util" to "prog" does the right thing as it is now.

From manual:

The purpose of merge_into_dir is to permit a project to contain another 
project in such a way that propagate can be used to keep the contained 
project up-to-date. It is meant to replace the use of nested checkouts in 
many circumstances.

Note that merge_into_dir does not permit changes made to the contained project 
in destbranch to be propagated back to sourcebranch. Attempting this would 
lead to sourcebranch containing both projects nested as in destbranch instead 
of only the project originally in sourcebranch, which is almost certainly not 
what would be intended. 


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