On Sun, Dec 17, 2006 at 05:11:55PM -0800, Nathaniel J. Smith wrote:
> On Fri, Dec 15, 2006 at 02:46:13AM -0800, Nathaniel J. Smith wrote:
> > Do you guys want to, I dunno, talk amongst yourselves and figure out
> > if one of you wants to be the Grand Poobah Official RM, and the rest
> > deputies, or something?
> Everyone else wrote:
> > :crickets:

To silence the crickets..

I had hoped to have a crack at producing a release this weekend, but
events turned out differently.  As it turns out, I will be very busy
during this week, and then AFK with little or no net for the two weeks
xmas and following.. so it doesn't make much sense for me to do this
next release.

I'm still happy to volunteer for this, in either or both roles as njs
outlines above, for January and onwards.  I don't really think it
helps much for me to volunteer to manage someone else through this
next December release.

So, who wants to look after the 0.32 release ASAP?  Is anyone staying
home with time on their hands around xmas?

I'll do a January one just prior to the summit, and we can sort out
more structured processes longer term at the summit.


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