Hi everyone!

I'd like to announce the second iteration of the monotone bug hunt day.
This happening will take place between

        Sat 08.05. 18:00 UTC and Sun 09.05. 18:00 UTC

which should lead to the most appearances (14) of interested developers.

Please ensure that you have a Savannah account and that you've added
yourself to the monotone project there.

The rules for working on the bugs are simple:

1) Pick a bug (and only one bug at a time to avoid blocking others) you
   would like to work on and assign the ticket to you
2) Create a new branch nvm.bugfest-2010.<savane-bug-id>-<savane-login>
   and work on the fix. If the fix is non-trivial, please also add an
   accompanying functional test. Don't forget to describe your fix
   shortly in NEWS.
3) If the bug is fixed, set the ticket on "In test", post the last
   revision or alternatively the branch name again in the ticket and
   go on to the next.

After the bug hunting has been finished, we are going to quality-review
the fixes / changes of the attendees collaboratively, close the tickets
and merge the changes back into the main trunk if everything is ok.

We will also collaboratively give points for the fixes afterwards, which
then may range from one point for trivial ones or fixes like "works with
the current version" to eight points for complex fixtures or the
implementation of feature requests (in Scrum manner only 1, 2, 3, 5 and
8 are allowed - we could then "misuse" a tool like planningpoker.com to
get to a common point number).

The three people with the most points in the end get a present from me
from our new cafepress shop at http://www.cafepress.com/monotone_rcs:

For the winner: one item up to 25 US-$
For the first runner-up: one item up to 20 US-$
For the second runner-up: one item up to 15 US-$

If you have further question, don't hesitate to ask them here. In the
meantime, thanks for your interest and see you on Saturday!


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